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  • Writer's pictureArthur Severio

Season 1/ Episode 1

Updated: Jan 19

The Early Years of the French Quarter: Alecia P. Long and Tamara Chang

I met Alecia when she was working at an antique store on Royal Street and the New Orleans Presbytere and Cabildo. She is one of my favorite lecturers when it comes to New Orleans history. She is brilliant when it comes to remembering dates, times., and which archive she found her information.

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Tamara Chang

Tamara Chang is one of the nicest most "unreadable queens" I know. As my friend described her, she is "Asian fish."

She was part of a pre-Stonewall era riot at Comptons's Cafeteria, in the Tenderloin in San Francisco. Of course, those girls were cutting up when the attempt to arrest them happened.

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