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  • Writer's pictureArthur Severio

Season 1 Episode 2: Stonewall and the use of Electro-Shock Therapy to Cure Homosexuality.

Updated: Jan 24

Tree Sequoia and the First Night of Stonewall

Tree Sequoia was out having a great time with his friends drinking and dancing to the jukebox at the Stonewall Inn when the policeir weekly terrorization of came in for the the place to get money raids. What they didn't know was that there wasn’t enough manpower to deal with the bar patrons, who were also having a good time drinking and dancing when the police arrived. One person got angry and erupted the crowd into the riots that would last for more than that one night.

Tree on stage at Club 82.

Dr, Robert Heath

Meanwhile, a psychiatrist] who followed the theory that organic defects were the sole source of mental illness and that, consequently, mental problems were treatable by physical means, Dr. Robert Heath was implanting electrodes into patients' brains, giving them the means to shock themselves with buttons.

New Orleans Lfbt Senio advocate speaks about his beliefs on the matter.

Dr. Heath and Jim Meadows (far right)

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